Love & Blessings this Thanksgiving Season!

We each have the capacity to recognize ourselves as the Source of our conscious perceptions. May we choose to focus on what and who we are grateful for this Thanksgiving Season, and allow Lovingness to the parts of ourselves which are vulnerable, shaky, fearful, or resentful. May our Hearts Blossom like Flowers to the Sun! Love and Blessings to You All! I am grateful for you, and I am committed to the constant process of healing and clearing myself, so that I can be of service to you! Gwendolyn

Dr. Gwendolyn McClure

Gwendolyn draws upon her extensive background in Classical Vocal Training, Jungian Psychotherapy, and Massage Therapy in offering her Vision-Seeded Vocal Sound Healing work. She founded her Vocal Sound Healing practice in 1990, and is the first in the world to write a doctoral dissertation on this topic (Pacifica, 1998). Gwendolyn offers her original transformational processes in groups, private sessions, online courses, global sacred sties tours, and vision quests. Gwendolyn is powerful, intuitive, and Heart/Earth-Based.

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