Exhilarating Evening of Vocal Sound Healing at Center of the Heart!

Last night a group of 15 people came to my 2-hour presentation at Center of the Heart in Santa Barbara, CA. It was a beautiful evening of unwinding and unmasking. We shared joy, laughter, sounds, movements, and songs.

I wove together brief moments of logically explaining what is involved in the Healing process, with longer experiences of expansion and embodied healing. We breathed into our bellies and our Hearts, connected our Hearts to our throats, sounded, moved, sang, freed ourselves from tension, connected with Mother Earth and each other, and experienced freedom and flow within community.

3 Important Stages of Healing Process: If interested in the logical side, here is a nugget I shared with the group.

1) Will and Intention & The Commitment to Heal: It takes you saying yes unconditionally to your healing of any issue.

2) Self Love/Acceptance: With each “problem,” allow and accept the associated feelings with Love. When we Love/accept our feelings, our Psyche’s attention is freed up to see them as symbols and information about deeper themes within ourselves. With Loving Inquiry we can open to these deeper themes

3) Source & Responsibility: Recognize you are at the source of your every experience. As you take 100% responsibility, you can come to what feelings you find with Love and inquiry. By doing this you create freedom in your Psyche…..which leads to freedom in creative expression.

I thank all those who came and trusted me, and trusted themselves, to LET GO, and allow sounds and songs out!!

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