Vocal Sound Healing in Santa Barbara Salt Caves Tues February 5th, 6-7pm, 2019

Come join us for what will surely be a beautiful cleansing experience of vocal sound release and Himalayan Crystal Salt Clearing Master Vocal Sound Healer Gwendolyn!! Tuesday Feb. 5th  2019, 6-7pmSanta…

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Vocal Journey Day Retreat: Sanchez Ranch Sunday Feb. 3rd 10am-4pm

Join us for a beautiful day journey of clearing through Vocal Sound Healing with Dr. Gwendolyn McClure! No previous singing or vocal sound healing experience necessary.https://www.facebook.com/events/704830789913262/REGISTRATIONTO REGISTER FOR THIS EVENT,…

Continue ReadingVocal Journey Day Retreat: Sanchez Ranch Sunday Feb. 3rd 10am-4pm

Greater Goods Ojai Vocal Vibrational Journey Saturday Feb. 2nd 2pm-5:30pm

Join us for a beautiful afternoon of clearing through Vocal Sound Healing with Dr. Gwendolyn McClure! No previous singing or vocal sound healing experience necessary.https://www.facebook.com/events/2121767854535719/REGISTRATIONTO REGISTER FOR THIS EVENT, YOU…

Continue ReadingGreater Goods Ojai Vocal Vibrational Journey Saturday Feb. 2nd 2pm-5:30pm