Announcing Vocal Sound Healing Academy–Oct. 22nd 2023–May 5th, 2024


See Gwendolyn discussing the Academy on her YouTube Channel here:

1999 Vision: In the year 1999, a Vision came with the name of the school Gwendolyn would one day open to teach people how to conduct Vocal Sound Healing sessions, groups, ceremonies, retreats, and generally be ambassadors in the modern world for using the human voice for healing and transformation of consciousness! After a 24-year gestation period, this Vision is now coming to fruition!

1990 Vision: Let’s back up nine years. In June of 1990, within two weeks of graduating with a Masters degree in Counseling Psychology, Gwendolyn’s initial Vision came inspiring her to generate a modality that used vocal sound as a conduit in the healing process. In her Masters program, Gwendolyn had studied art therapy, dance therapy and sand-tray therapy, as well as other approaches which use creative media to explore, offer insight, and facilitate change in the human body-psyche complex.

That 1990 Vision led Gwendolyn to start her practice on August 5th, and one year later in 1991, she entered a doctoral program in Clinical Psychology in order to write her dissertation on this topic. Gwendolyn was on a quest to discover what elements contributed to the potency of this effective modality. The work was so powerful that she also wanted to give it a strong and grounded academic foundation as it was being introduced into the world. Through her research, Gwendolyn discovered that indigenous peoples the world over have used the human voice individually and in group settings for millennia to help people heal and transform. In addition to Cultural Anthropology, Gwendolyn incorporated the fields of Music Therapy and Jungian Psychology into her dissertation in order to further explore and identify the paradigm of Vocal Sound Healing. This written work is still the only academic doctoral dissertation in the world covering this topic.

2023 Academy Birth: Moving forward to 2023, the Vocal Sound Healing Academy has been born, and now offers an 8-month focused Training program which culminates in students receiving a Certificate to practice the Art of Vocal Sound Healing a la Gwendolyn. In addition to the Training’s foundational elements derived from Gwendolyn’s dissertation mentioned above, the Academy will also focus on aspects of Gwendolyn’s Vocal Sound Healing modality that emanate from the seed-vision of her work, and those elements that have developed over the 33 years she has practiced. (Her 33rd Anniversary is August 5th, 2023)

The Roots: The Voice element of this Training is strongly rooted within Gwendolyn’s being. Her father Richard studied Voice at Wesleyan University, her mother Muriel grew up singing Methodist hymns in China with missionary parents, and both of Gwendolyn’s parents sang on a daily basis (as did her three older sisters). Family singing and public performing was normal fare in the McClure world. Gwendolyn’s parents were her early voice teachers, then from 12-18 years of age, she took weekly classical Voice Training in NY with a Juilliard graduate, Claire Smith.

See below for Vocal Sound Healing Modality Elements that Emerged Over 33 Years

Potential Students:  Who Might Want to Join the Vocal Sound Healing Academy? This Academy is suitable for vocal sound healers, for those wanting to incorporate this modality into their existing healing practice, or for those who want to experience and integrate powerful tools on their personal transformational journey.

Graduates from the Vocal Sound Healing Academy will come to develop their own unique Practitioner style and generate their unique Vocal Sound Healing toolbox with which to guide clients and groups via this transformation process.

General Academy Schedule: The Academy meets online weekly on Sundays from October 22nd through May 5th for 2.5 hours. Approximately 1x/month for a total of 6 times, the online training class will be 4.5 hours. There is a 5-day/4-Night Live Training Retreat component which meets in N. New Mexico at a Hot Springs Resort Weds. February 28th – Sunday March 3rd. The Vocal Sound Healing Academy tuition fee of $4,444. incorporates this 5-day Live Training with a shared room, excluding meals. A private room at the Retreat incurs an additional charge of $450. The Tuition fee also includes Practicum supervision, Training Recordings, Healing Songs Toolbox Booklet, and many other elements.

Prospective Student Information: For those interested in entering the Vocal Sound Healing Academy this Fall of 2023, some of the in-depth Training contents are listed below. Additionally, an Academy Application & Total Information Packet including info on curriculum, training schedule, admission prerequisites, hot springs training retreat, etc. can be requested by emailing Gwendolyn @ The Application must be submitted along with a $250 nonrefundable Application fee. Email Gwendolyn to receive the Application with submission directions.

Space is Limited: There are only eight spaces available in this Vocal Sound Healing Academy Certification Training. Please meditate on this opportunity to determine if this path is correct for your Soul at this time. If it is your destiny, please apply in a timely manner.

Once your application has been received along with a non-refundable $250 Application fee, a video conference interview is scheduled to review the admission requirements, review student questions, and to mutually determine the suitability of the Vocal Sound Healing Academy for potential students.

Request an application and information packet: Please email Gwendolyn @ to request the application and detailed information packet. Once your request for an application and information packet is received, this expansive healing adventure together begins! Please check with Gwendolyn to see if the Academy is already full before submitting your application.

More Details about the Academy Training:

This program assists students to develop Integrity, Congruency and Healing-Embodiment in the process of becoming a Vocal Sound Healing practitioner. Students will be trained in how to wield healing power via vocal sound and song in skillful ways as a transformational tool for self and other, including the liberation of one’s voice, and the liberation of a client’s voice.

Instruction will be given on singing, proper breathing for vocal projection, and on the use of songs and vocal sounds in healing ceremony & sessions. Specific songs will be taught to students for their healing-songs toolbox. Certification students will be guided in how to energetically protect one’s own physical body, and energy bodies. Students will learn how to successfully navigate one’s own Psyche’s imaginal figures for the purpose of healthy internal balance and stabilization.

Practitioners-to-be will acquire the capacity to both protect themselves, and teach clients how to protect themselves at energy levels, and they will learn how to guide clients into the depths of their Psyches for ultimate wound-root resolution and transformation.

The Program’s Teachings include how to conduct inner world healing processes and ceremonies where highest-frequency ancestors, guides, and forces of Light may be called in to contribute to this vocal sound healing experience with healing songs and vocal sounds.

This Training emphasizes individual human responsibility at the highest possible standard for one’s personal healing, in order that students become clear vessels through which Divine Light and Love flow through the Voice and one’s entire being to and for any client, situation, or group for its ultimate positive transformation.

Vocal Sound Healing Modality Elements that Emerged Over 33 Years:

1) How to work with aspects of the Swiss Psychiatrist Dr. Carl Jung’s Analytical Theory of Psychology to encounter, dialogue with,  and transmute or remove blocks to experiencing one’s free literal voice & one’s free metaphorical soul’s voice.

2) The Necessity for & Efficacy of Spiritual Divine-Light attunement in conducting vocal sound healing.

3) The extreme importance of Practitioner Grounding to the planet during the healing facilitation process.

4) One’s Life-Force Breath (which supports the voice) being connected to Source/Creator so that one’s healing voice vibrates at the frequency of unconditional love.

5) An exploration of how vocal sound works at energetic levels in the unseen worlds including with electro-magnetic fields, bodily energy centers, and other higher-density spiritual realms such as akashic records, ancestors, and plant, animal & elemental spirit guides.

6) Students will be guided in how to embrace and emit the vibrating voice as an energetic bridge between the physical and non-physical planes of existence.

7) Literal Voice & Metaphorical Soul’s Voice Teachings: Through many years of leading people to open their voices, Gwendolyn discovered that creating literal vocal sounds in a healing context generates metaphorical soul’s voice growth with real-world transformational results. 

8) Among many other developmental concepts in Gwendolyn’s teachings,  a key ingredient in vocal sound healing is the cultivation of one’s birthright for profound mastery and fluency in the language of Vocal Sound and Song, and the realization that healing vocal sounds have the capacity to transmit frequencies that affect change at all level’s of one’s being.














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