Taking Applications for Level 1 Vocal Sound Healing Academy 2024-2025 Year

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Are you interested in joining the 2024-2025 Level 1 Vocal Sound Healing Academy Class?

You will be taught directly by Dr. Gwendolyn McClure, Vocal Sound Healer since 1990, and the creator of the first (and only) doctoral dissertation written on this topic: A Cross-Cultural Interdisciplinary Study of the Healing Power of Singing and Vocal Sounding (Pacifica, 1998). Would you like to read my dissertation? You can request an e-copy by emailing me here: gwendolyn@vocalsoundhealer.com.

The Vocal Sound Healing Academy this year is offering a Level One and Level Two Training. The Level Two is only open to students who have already graduated with their Level One Certificates. The Level One Training is open to anyone who feels very drawn to the use of the medium of vocal sound for their own healing, or the healing of others and the planet.

In this program you will be guided in how to use vocal sound to uplift yourself, to clear energies that no longer serve you, and to perhaps learn a few healing songs! No prior experience with singing or vocal sounding is required, just a pure and earnest heart, interested in the voice as a magical tool, and interested in your ultimate healing along your life journey.

Gwendolyn's teaching approach reflects her multi-faceted life experiences. She has been a certified and licensed massage therapist since 1987; she was a psychotherapist from 1987-1995; she received both her Masters and PhD in Counseling and Clinical Psychology in 1990 and 1998; she taught experiential Vocal Sound Healing at Santa Barbara City College from 2001-2018; she taught Psychology and Speech and Psychology & the Expressive Arts Creative Process Classes at Brooks Institute of Film & Photography from 2004-2012; she leads Vision Quests and Global Sacred Sites Tours to Ireland, Scotland, Poland and more. Gwendolyn has been singing since she could speak, and had a Vision in 1990 to create an expressive arts healing modality using the "media" of the human voice. In 1999 Gwendolyn received a Vision to generate this Vocal Sound Healing Academy....which has been coming into to fruition for a couple of years now.

The places that Gwendolyn can take people in their soul and body for healing is remarkable. Her healing work is based upon a strict Jungian Psychology PhD Training, plus all of her life experiences, and extreme commitment to her own healing journey. All the techniques and tools which have been coming like waves to her as a Vocal Sound Healer starseed since 1990 are brought to you as a student in the Vocal Sound Healing Academy. The curriculum for this year's Level I Training is including evolutionary developments in this body of work since last year's training. We are accelerating on this planet in our capacity to heal with vibration and vocal sound, and those who are interested and ready to open their own voice as this ultimate instrument of healing would be served well by checking out this coming Academic Year's Vocal Sound Healing Academy's Level One Training.

The Training begins Sunday October 20th, 2024, 9am Pacific/12 pm Eastern, and it meets Sundays through May 4th, 2025, with a 5-day/4-Night Live Training Retreat in late February. All classes are online besides the live training retreat, and will be of a 2.5 hour duration, except for 6 classes which will be 4.5 hours.

There is a Practicum component, and an Academic component, and overall, this Academy Training will provide you the opportunity to gain huge strides on your own healing journey. The fundamental principle of the Academy is integrity and congruency: To BE always in a loving and healed state, and to return there as quickly as possible when off your center.

Gwendolyn trains students with love, respect, clarity, expansiveness, compassion, and leading by example. Her teaching style is based on embodied learning, and she recognizes all students as her spiritual equal.

If this Level One Vocal Sound Healing Academy sounds intriguing to you and you want to learn even more, please feel free to email Gwendolyn to set up a phone or video call to chat about your interest: gwendolyn@vocalsoundhealer.com.

In the meantime here are some more of the details. To get ALL the details about the Academy Level One Training, email Gwendolyn to request a General Information Packet and she'll zip it right off to you via email.


If you feel clear that this Level One Training is right for you, then send in an Application Fee & Application proper, both by 9/15/24 to get the process started, and then your interview will get scheduled. Your Application will not be processed until the Application Fee is received.

The Application fee of $300 (nonrefundable) is sent to Gwendolyn via Zelle (by telephone number: 520-904-2043, and legal name Wendy McClure), via Venmo (@Wendy-McClure-1; last 4 digits of phone: 2043) or by clicking the button below to add the Application Fee to your Cart.

The fillable Application form is available below, or may be emailed to you upon request, so again, simply email Gwendolyn to request that Application: gwendolyn@vocalsoundhealer.com.

Application | VSH Acadamy 2024-2025

Once you are accepted, you will be required to send in the Tuition Balance due by 10/1/24 to secure one of the currently 6 available spots.


The Tuition for this year's Level One Vocal Sound Healing Academy Training is: $4,666.00. The $300 Application Fee will be credited towards the Level One Academy Tuition Fee.

There are a few more important details about entering the Academy, and you can discover those by requesting the General Information Packet from gwendolyn@vocalsoundhealer.com today! Once accepted into the Academy you can pay the Tuition Balance of $4,366.00 with the button below.

Until we meet again, please know I deeply appreciate you reading this blogpost announcing the upcoming Academic year's Level One Vocal Sound Healing Academy Training.

May All Love and Light Be with You Until Soon,

Gwendolyn, Founder, Vocal Sound Healing Academy


Dr. Gwendolyn McClure

Gwendolyn draws upon her extensive background in Classical Vocal Training, Jungian Psychotherapy, and Massage Therapy in offering her Vision-Seeded Vocal Sound Healing work. She founded her Vocal Sound Healing practice in 1990, and is the first in the world to write a doctoral dissertation on this topic (Pacifica, 1998). Gwendolyn offers her original transformational processes in groups, private sessions, online courses, global sacred sties tours, and vision quests. Gwendolyn is powerful, intuitive, and Heart/Earth-Based.

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