Summer 2024 Fall in Love with Singing Vocal Sound Healing Course Tuesdays 9-10:30am Pacific July 16th-September 3rd

Click Here for Printable PDF of Flyer: Summer 2024 Flyer.Fall in Love with Singing


Tuesdays July 16th  –  September 3rd, 9-10:30am Pacific Time; 10:00-11:30am Mountain Time; 11am-12:30pm Central Time; 12-1:30pm Eastern Time; 6:00-7:30pm Italy & Poland Time.


Come join us for this 8-wk Summer Course where your entire relationship to your voice and your soul’s expression changes into freedom and embodied self-love. 

Gwendolyn carries the frequency of unconditional love. She creates a safe space for intimate vocal exploration & inner world navigation in service of your embodied spirit’s evolutionary healing journey. Gwendolyn unabashedly shares that Vocal Sound Healing is the most potent healing tool there is, and guides you to access this tool within and for yourself.

A precious, authentic, intimate, and supportive community springs up to create a sanctuary healing space for all who join this course. 

Cultivate your own vocal sound release and singing voice as a sacred arts healing tool for your body, mind, spirit, emotions, and inner child for your spirit’s evolutionary journey!

Students are supported to embrace their sovereign life journey, to express their literal vocal sounding and singing voice, and to express the metaphorical voice of their soul. Singing is not required.

Open the communication portal between your heart and your voice. Learn how to use your voice to clear what is not Love in your body, psyche, energy field, and embodied spirit’s grounding roots.

Come and enjoy the ride of accelerated spiritual growth. Feel yourself filled and surrounded by Divine Love, your beautiful loving guides, and the Flow of Joyful, Vibrating Light.


This 8-wk course is filled with love, light, laughter, sound, song, tears, along with camaraderie and support for our healing journeys!

Gwendolyn is directly connected to Divine Light and rooted to the core of Mother Earth. She supports and guides all of her students to generate a direct relationship with Divine Light/The frequency of Unconditional-Loving-Acceptance and Mother Earth.

All pain, conflict, challenges and blocks along one’s spiritual journey can be brought to this class for healing and transformation, guided by Divine Light.  Gwendolyn’s “medicine name” from one lineage is: “Holds the Fullness of Emotional Truth.” Anything you bring to this class will be held with love & respect. You will be guided in the art of self-love and transformation of energies that no longer serve you.

Gwendolyn guides participants to call and breathe in the frequency of unconditional Loving Light from Creator & Higher Self into their human bodies and auric fields. From there she guides a specific process using energetic intention and vocal sound to anchor Divine Love infused life force breath into one’s body & aura and then into the core of the earth as a grounding connection.  Gwendolyn teaches students how to share their authentic literal sounding voice, as well as their soul’s metaphorical voice/truths from this ultimate Divine-connection and grounded-protection!

This is a class whereby quantum (trans-linear time & states of consciousness) and multidimensional healing (connecting with divine guides: your higher self/ancestors/animal & plant spirits, angels, elementals, etc.) occurs regularly.

Students are guided into soul inner-world healing ceremonies which permanently shift your relationship to Life itself and to your Shadow, Inner Child, Spirit’s journey, Earth (the planet you chose to come to),  and to your capacity to call in and embody the frequency of Divine Light.

REGISTRATION: The 8-week course fee is $285.

Please Register at the latest by Tuesday, July 9th, 2024.

Space is Limited. Register today to guarantee your spot in the Course.

Preferred Method: Zellepay:; or see your bank for Zelle. Use Gwendolyn’s Mobile # (520) 904-2043 with legal name Wendy M McClure for Zelle ID. Zelle Course Fee of: $285. USD

If your bank does not use Zellepay, see options below.

Venmo: @Wendy-McClure-1; last 4 Digits of Phone # 2043

By Credit Card: If using a credit card to register, contact Gwendolyn and she will send you a SquarePay Invoice for the Registration Fee. OR, use the below link to Register for the Course with SquarePay. Make sure to add 3.5% so that Gwendolyn receives the full course fee of $285 = Send a Total of $295. USD:

PayPal: Only use PayPal if you add a 3.5% surcharge of $10.00 so that Gwendolyn receives the full course fee of $285 = Send a Total of $295. USD (unless you choose the Friends & Family option):  Gwendolyn Songbird:

By Check: Please Mail your Registration Check of $285. so that it arrives by no later than Tuesday July 9th to: Dr. Gwendolyn McClure Maricopa, AZ 85139; Contact Gwendolyn for street address details:

Cancellation Policy:  Once Registered, All Course Fees are non-refundable

Click Here for Printable PDF of Flyer: Summer 2024 Flyer.Fall in Love with Singing

Dr. Gwendolyn McClure

Gwendolyn draws upon her extensive background in Classical Vocal Training, Jungian Psychotherapy, and Massage Therapy in offering her Vision-Seeded Vocal Sound Healing work. She founded her Vocal Sound Healing practice in 1990, and is the first in the world to write a doctoral dissertation on this topic (Pacifica, 1998). Gwendolyn offers her original transformational processes in groups, private sessions, online courses, global sacred sties tours, and vision quests. Gwendolyn is powerful, intuitive, and Heart/Earth-Based.

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